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Digital Classrooms

Digital classrooms are classrooms that utilize technology as a means of education. Using electronic devices and the internet, students can learn from the comfort of their homes. Such classrooms support both real-time and recorded learning and help teachers create a flexible class schedule.

Classrooms too can be thought of as a platform, and they certainly are no exception to increasing amounts of research and the pervasiveness of multimedia. They have not only changed the perspective of students towards studying but have also helped the teachers in preparing dynamic multimedia educational resources/lessons which can be interesting for students. Students prefer engaging, visually-stimulating, interactive educational materials that require them to collaborate with their peers and use an inquiry-based approach. This ability to focus is more important than IQ or the socioeconomic status of the family one grew up in for determining career success, financial success, and health.

Digital classes in classrooms are also great for the environment because paper use is either eliminated or significantly reduced. This method leads to more and deep learning. Effective relation can also be developed between students and teacher and also among students. They can share their ideas, experiences, and investigations. This method is effective for all students with low learning speed and even for those with high learning speed.